Our People / Francesca Pfeiffer

© 2008-2011 Daruma Asset Management, Inc.

Francesca McGowan Pfeiffer — Director of Client Service

I was born in Bogotá, Colombia and grew up in a multi-cultural home in Caracas, Venezuela. My mother is Danish and my father is from the U.S. I speak Spanish, English and Danish and feel very connected to all three cultures. For as long as I can remember I’ve had the desire to understand the people around me. I’ve always had an interest in finding similarities within different cultures, ideas and languages and in understanding different points of view.

In addition to being exposed to different cultures, I have served as a volunteer with various charitable organizations. I worked closely with at-risk children (through Falcon Friends) and mentally and physically disabled adults (through Special Friends). I also have served as a co-leader of a Habitat for Humanity chapter. Along with a multi-cultural point of view, these volunteer activities have proven critical in my development as a client service professional motivated to understand different people with different objectives.

I joined Daruma in August 2006. Most of my time here has been focused on bringing the best possible service to our clients. Today, I am the bridge between Daruma and our investors — the primary liaison dedicated to understanding our clients’ needs and goals.

Of course Daruma is motivated to “put up the numbers,” but the investment team here also is motivated by their understanding of why the numbers matter to each of our clients. It’s for the foundation funding college scholarships, the nonprofit teaching energy efficiency around the world, the institution devoted to rescuing animals and the pension plans investing on behalf of public service employees. Understanding what our clients do for their communities and the world reinforces my desire to provide quality service.

The culture of Daruma means that my role isn’t just about coordinating meetings, preparing performance reports and returning phone calls; it’s about full engagement in the hopes and dreams of the organizations that have entrusted us with their money.


Our People

Mariko Gordon, CFA — Founder, CEO and CIO

Neal Tully — Partner and Senior Research Analyst

David Gerber — Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer

Brad McGill — Senior Research Analyst

Mark Miller — Senior Research Analys

Robert Motch — Director of Operations

Francesca Pfeiffer — Director of Client Service

Mort Simpson — Senior Research Analyst

Rhonda Beaman — Portfolio Administrator

Michael Bostler — Research Analyst

Steven Cohen — Trader

Naomi Lyum — Business Manager

Tania Luna — Office Manager

Angela Shivprasad — Operations Assistant